Real Estate Valuation and Surveying services covering The North West, Cheshire and The Wirral in the UK alongside Provence and the French Riviera (Cote d’Azur)


Real Estate Valuation and Surveying services covering The North West, Cheshire and The Wirral in the UK alongside Provence and the French Riviera (Cote d’Azur)


Real Estate Valuation and Surveying services covering The North West, Cheshire and The Wirral in the UK alongside Provence and the French Riviera (Cote d’Azur)


Real Estate Valuation and Surveying services covering The North West, Cheshire and The Wirral in the UK alongside Provence and the French Riviera (Cote d’Azur)

Why You Should Choose SMRE Property

SMRE Property is an International, independent, professional firm that is UK based offering RICS Building Surveys, Home Survey Reports, Development Appraisals and Private Valuations. We also travel regularly to the South of France providing English Language Property Consultancy for purchasers and Owners of Residential Property.
Being fully regulated by the RICS allows clients satisfaction and confidence that our work is carried out to the highest of standards.


Our Services within the UK

We offer a full range of valuation and surveying services to homeowners, property developers and commercial clients throughout Chester, Cheshire and the North West of the UK including:

Our Services within the South of France

  • Property Surveys
  • Property Valuations
  • Working closely with fellow professionals located in the South of France to co-ordinate any construction project requirements.
Our Services within the South of France

How can we help?

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